Answered By: Library Systems
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2020     Views: 102

  • The ILL department does not charge university affiliated patrons for its services, unless the lending library charges Spiva Library.
  • Accordingly, MSSU is a member of Libraries Very Interested in Sharing (LVIS) consortium, which shares materials free of charge. It is our goal to acquire the materials our users have ordered as quickly as possible from an LVIS library.
  • However, some materials are available only at non-LVIS libraries, which charge fees. When this is the case, we contact the requester to ask if s/he is willing to finance the lowest available fee. Although ILL charges vary, most non-LVIS libraries charge $10.00 to $25.00 for each request.
  • Community patrons are charged $4 for each completed request even those from LVIS libraries. If an item is loaned to us from a non-LVIS institution charging us an additional fee, the community patron will be charged the additional fees, as well, if they approved this charge when contacted.
  • Items returned late are assessed a $3.00 per day fine.