Answered By: Library Systems
Last Updated: Apr 24, 2015     Views: 462

  • ANYONE may use the library for reading and/or research. However, patrons must have a valid ID card to check out materials and non-University affiliated patrons must show a valid ID to be logged onto computer workstations.
  • Currently enrolled MSSU students will use their MSSU student ID as their library card.
  • MSSU Faculty and Staff will use their MSSU faculty/staff lD's as their library card.
  • Students, Faculty and Staff of MOBIUS member institutions may use their institution's ID card as their library card.
  • Non-University affiliated patrons must purchase a 1-year valid library card for $15 with the following exception:

K-12 students - $10.00

  • NOTE: Non-University affiliated library card holders are charged a $4 processing fee when checking out Interlibrary Loan Requests.