Answered By: Melissa Forsythe
Last Updated: Sep 23, 2021     Views: 20

Absolutely! If you are looking for print or ebooks, head to the Library homepage and 1). click on 'Book/Media Search' and then 2). 'Advanced Search'. If you would like to see all of the available material in a certain language, 3). place an asterisk in the first search field, 4). select the format of the material you would like (i.e., ebooks or DVDs, etc), and then 5). select the language(s) you would like to find. Then just click 6). 'Submit'! 


If you are looking for ejournals or other electronic material, click on 'Full Search' on the Library homepage and do a keyword search for whatever topic you would like. Then, use the language limiter on the left side. 


See the video below for more help with Full Search!
